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Microtubule plus end: a hub of cellular activities
Authors:Lansbergen Gideon  Akhmanova Anna
Affiliation:MGC Department of Cell Biology, Erasmus Medical Center, 3000 DR Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Abstract:Microtubules (MTs) are highly dynamic polymers, which control many aspects of cellular architecture. Growing MT plus ends accumulate a specific set of evolutionary conserved factors, the so-called MT plus-end-tracking proteins (+TIPs). +TIPs regulate MT dynamics and the reciprocal interactions of MTs with the cell cortex, mitotic kinetochores or different cellular organelles. Most +TIPs can directly bind to MTs, but the molecular mechanisms of their specific targeting to the growing plus ends remain poorly understood. Recent studies suggest that the members of one particular +TIP family, EB1 and its homologues, are present in all eucaryotic kingdoms, interact directly with the majority of other known plus-end-associated proteins and may be responsible for their specific accumulation at the MT tips.
Keywords:APC    cell cortex    CLASP    CLIP-170    dynein    EB1    kinesin    microtubules    plus-end-tracking proteins    spectraplakin
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