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Teratocarcinoma stem cells and early mouse embryos contain only a single major lamin polypeptide closely resembling lamin B
Authors:C Stewart  B Burke
Institution:European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg Federal Republic of Germany.
Abstract:The nuclear lamina in adult mammalian somatic cells is composed of three major proteins, lamins A, B, and C. The expression of these proteins during the differentiation of teratocarcinomas and mouse embryogenesis is described. Embryos up to day 8 of gestation and embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells express only a single lamin species closely resembling, if not identical to, lamin B. Lamins A and/or C were detected in fertilized eggs, but disappear during the first 2-4 cleavage divisions, only reappearing in 8 day post-implantation embryos. These two lamins are absent from EC cells, but are strongly expressed in some of their derivatives. These results show that cells of the early mouse embryo do not have a functional requirement for lamins A and C and imply that the structural organization of the nucleus may change fundamentally during embryogenesis.
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