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Tomato Fruit Chromoplasts Behave as Respiratory Bioenergetic Organelles during Ripening
Authors:Marta Renato  Irini Pateraki  Albert Boronat  Joaquín Azcón-Bieto
Institution:Departaments de Biologia Vegetal (M.R., J.A.-B.) and Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular (I.P., A.B.), Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona, 08007 Barcelona, Spain; and;Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica, Consorci CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB, Campus Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain (M.R., I.P., A.B.)
Abstract:During tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit ripening, chloroplasts differentiate into photosynthetically inactive chromoplasts. It was recently reported that tomato chromoplasts can synthesize ATP through a respiratory process called chromorespiration. Here we show that chromoplast oxygen consumption is stimulated by the electron donors NADH and NADPH and is sensitive to octyl gallate (Ogal), a plastidial terminal oxidase inhibitor. The ATP synthesis rate of isolated chromoplasts was dependent on the supply of NAD(P)H and was fully inhibited by Ogal. It was also inhibited by the proton uncoupler carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, suggesting the involvement of a chemiosmotic gradient. In addition, ATP synthesis was sensitive to 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone, a cytochrome b6f complex inhibitor. The possible participation of this complex in chromorespiration was supported by the detection of one of its components (cytochrome f) in chromoplasts using immunoblot and immunocytochemical techniques. The observed increased expression of cytochrome c6 during ripening suggests that it could act as electron acceptor of the cytochrome b6f complex in chromorespiration. The effects of Ogal on respiration and ATP levels were also studied in tissue samples. Oxygen uptake of mature green fruit and leaf tissues was not affected by Ogal, but was inhibited increasingly in fruit pericarp throughout ripening (up to 26% in red fruit). Similarly, Ogal caused a significant decrease in ATP content of red fruit pericarp. The number of energized mitochondria, as determined by confocal microscopy, strongly decreased in fruit tissue during ripening. Therefore, the contribution of chromoplasts to total fruit respiration appears to increase in late ripening stages.Chromoplasts are plastids specialized in the production and accumulation of carotenoids, conferring color to many fruits and flowers. During tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit ripening, chloroplasts differentiate into chromoplasts in a process that involves the dismantling of the photosynthetic apparatus and a massive synthesis and deposition of lycopene (Camara et al., 1995). Chromoplasts show a barely studied respiratory process, first reported for daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) chromoplasts and called chromorespiration, which consists of a membrane-bound redox pathway associated with carotenoid desaturation and results in oxygen uptake activity (Nievelstein et al., 1995). The most likely oxidase involved in this respiratory activity is the plastidial terminal oxidase (PTOX), a plastoquinol oxidase homologous to the mitochondrial alternative oxidase (AOX; Carol et al., 1999; Wu et al., 1999). According to its role in chromorespiration and in carotenoid biosynthesis, the expression of PTOX increases during the ripening process of tomato and bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) fruits (Josse et al., 2003), in parallel to chromoplast differentiation. PTOX has been characterized in vitro and it has been reported to be inhibited by pyrogallol analogs, specially by octyl gallate (Ogal; Josse et al., 2000). In vivo, PTOX has been studied mainly in chloroplasts. PTOX not only participates in carotenoid biosynthesis in chloroplasts but is also involved in chlororespiration, an electron transport chain present in thylakoids that shares plastoquinone with the photosynthetic electron transport chain (Carol and Kuntz, 2001; McDonald et al., 2011).In daffodil chromoplast homogenates (Nievelstein et al., 1995) as well as in isolated tomato fruit chromoplasts (Pateraki et al., 2013), NAD(P)H acts as an electron donor for chromorespiration, indicating the participation of NAD(P)H plastoquinone oxidoreductase activity. Considering that tomato fruit chromoplasts derive from chloroplasts, it is possible that some components of the chromoplastic redox pathway could originate from chlororespiration, such as the NAD(P)H:plastoquinone-reductase complex (NDH), which could act as the electron entrance. However, the enzymes involved in chromorespiration are not well known. It was also reported that the oxygen uptake activity of daffodil chromoplast homogenates was sensitive to the classic uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol (Nievelstein et al., 1995), and this observation led to the proposal that chromorespiration could be linked to membrane energization. Morstadt et al. (2002) found that liposomes containing daffodil chromoplast proteins and energized by an acid-base transition were able to produce ATP through a chemiosmotic mechanism, demonstrating that daffodil chromoplasts contain a functional H+-ATP synthase complex. We recently reported that isolated chromoplasts from tomato fruits can synthesize ATP de novo (Pateraki et al., 2013). This process is dependent on an ATP synthase complex containing an atypical γ-subunit without the regulatory dithiol domain, which may be active using lower proton gradients than those present in the chloroplast (Pateraki et al., 2013). This finding is consistent with proteomic analyses that reveal that several proteins related to electron transport and ATP production are present in chromoplasts of ripe fruits, like ATP synthase, some subunits of the NDH complex, and the cytochrome b6f complex (Barsan et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2013).Several anabolic pathways that require ATP and reducing agents are active in ripe fruit chromoplasts, such as synthesis of carotenoids, lipids (glycolipids, phospholipids, and sterols), and the shikimate pathway (Bian et al., 2011; Angaman et al., 2012). On the other hand, the ATP synthesis capacity of mitochondria in ripe fruit is low, because its membrane potential diminishes during ripening as a result of the increasing activity of the mitochondrial uncoupling protein (Almeida et al., 1999; Costa et al., 1999). This fact raised the question of whether chromorespiration could play a significant role in the production of ATP at the last stages of ripening. To our knowledge, the ATP synthesis rates of chromoplasts have not been quantified; therefore, it was uncertain whether the endogenous production could provide ATP in significant amounts to address the energy requirements of the chromoplasts. Moreover, there was no information about the quantitative contribution of chromorespiration to total fruit tissue respiration. This work aimed to deepen the study of the chromorespiratory process in isolated tomato fruit chromoplasts and to analyze the relative participation of this pathway in the overall respiration and ATP levels of fruit pericarp in vivo.
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