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引用本文:于飞海,董鸣.光照强度和基质养分对匍匐茎草本金戴戴克隆生长和克隆形态的影响[J].Acta Botanica Sinica,2003,45(4):408-416.
作者姓名:于飞海  董鸣
作者单位:中国科学院植物研究所植被数量生态学开放实验室,中国科学院植物研究所植被数量生态学开放实验室 北京100093,北京100093,Swiss Federal Institute for Forest,Snowand LandscapeResearch,Zurcherstrasse Ⅲ,CH_8903 Birmensdorf,Switzerland
基金项目:国家杰出青年科学基金 ( 3982 5 10 6),国家自然科学基金 ( 39770 132 )。
摘    要:在深度遮光 (光照强度为高光条件的 6 .2 5% ,约为自然光照的 5.3% )或低养分条件下 ,金戴戴 (HalerpestesruthenicaOvcz.)生物量、初级分株叶面积、分株总数、匍匐茎总数和总长度均显著减小 ,而比节间长和比叶柄长显著增加。在低养分条件下 ,金戴戴匍匐茎平均节间长显著增加 ,而匍匐茎分枝强度和分株数显著减小。这些结果与克隆植物觅食模型相符合 ,表明当生长于异质性生境中 ,金戴戴可能通过以克隆生长和克隆形态的可塑性实现的觅养行为来增加对养分资源的摄取。在深度遮光条件下 ,金戴戴平均间隔子长度 (即平均节间长和平均叶柄长 )均显著减小。这一结果与以往实验中匍匐茎草本间隔子对中度和轻度遮光 (光照强度为高光条件的 1 3%~ 75% ,>1 0 %的自然光照 )的反应不同。这表明 ,在深度遮光条件下匍匐茎克隆植物可能不发生通过间隔子可塑性实现的觅光行为。光照强度和基质养分条件的交互作用对许多性状如总生物量、匍匐茎总数和总长度、二级和三级分株数、分株总数、初级分株叶面积以及分枝强度均有十分显著的效应。在高光条件下 ,基质养分对这些性状有十分显著的影响 ;而在低光条件下 ,基质养分条件对这些性状不产生影响或影响较小。这表明 ,光照强度影响金戴戴对基质养分的可塑性反应。在深度遮光

关 键 词:克隆生长  克隆形态  觅食行为  金戴戴  光照  养分  可塑性

Effect of Light Intensity and Nutrient Availability on Clonal Growth and Clonal Morphology of the Stoloniferous Herb Halerpestes ruthenica
Authors:YU Fei-Hai  DONG Ming
Institution:YU Fei-Hai DONG Ming*
Abstract:In a greenhouse experiment plasticity of clonal growth and clonal morphology of the stoloniferous rosette herb Halerpestes ruthenica Ovcz. in response to differing levels of light intensity and nutrient availability was studied. Total plant dry weight, leaf area of primary ramets, total number of ramets and of stolons, and total stolon length were significantly reduced, while specific internode length and specific petiole length significantly increased under deep shading (6.25% of high light intensity, 5.3% of full daylight) or under low nutrient availability. Under low nutrient availability, mean stolon internode length of H. ruthenica was significantly larger while branching intensity and number of ramets smaller than those under high nutrient availability. These responses are consistent with the foraging model of clonal plants, indicating that H. ruthenica is able to forage nutrients through the plastic responses of clonal growth and clonal morphology when it grows in heterogeneous environments. However, under deep shading, both mean stolon internode length and mean petiole length were significantly reduced, which disagrees with the findings of many other stoloniferous herbs in response to low or medium levels of shading (ca. 13%-75% of high light intensity, >10% of full daylight), suggesting that under deep shading stoloniferous herbs may not forage light through the plastic responses of spacer length. Many traits such as total plant dry weight, total number and length of stolons, total length of secondary and tertiary stolons, total number of ramets, leaf area of primary ramets and branching intensity were markedly influenced by the interaction effect of light intensity and nutrient availability. Under high light intensity nutrient availability affected these traits more pronouncedly, however under low light intensity nutrient availability either did not affect or affected less markedly on these traits, indicating that light intensity had significant effect on nutrient foraging in H. ruthenica. Under deep shading or low nutrient availability, H. ruthenica may increase its mean stolon internode length by means of thinning stolon internodes (i.e., an increase in specific internode length), which provides it with more chance to escape from resource-poor sites.
Keywords:clonal growth  clonal morphology  foraging behavior  Halerpestes ruthenica  light  nutrient  plasticity
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