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Partial trisomy and monosomy 21 in an infant with an unusual de novo 21/21 translocation
Authors:J M Cantu  A Hernandez  L Plascencia  G Vaca  M Moller  H Rivera
Abstract:A 3-month-old boy with a 46,XY,--21,+t(21;21)(pter leads to q22.3::q22.3 leads to q11::p11 leads to pter) karyotype, implicating trisomy for the 21q11 leads to 21q22.2 segment and monosomy for the 21q22.3 sub-band, is described. Most of the clinical features corresponded to Down syndrome ; other signs such as large ears, prominent nasal bridge and retromicrognathia were interpreted as the expression of 21q22.3 monosomy. The abnormal monocentric chromosome had satellites and stalks on both ends as a result of a 21q;21q translocation followed by deletion of one centromere region. Despite similar stalk size and NOR-Ag positiveness a significantly higher association frequency of the centrometric end as compared to the acentric end was found. This observation suggests that the satellite association phenomenon is not exclusively NOR-dependent, but that the centromeric and/or p11 regions of acrocentrics also play an important role.
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