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Origin and evolution of the hamuli in the monogeneans
Authors:Timofeeva T A
Abstract:The hypothesis of the origin and evolution of the hamuli in monogeneans is proposed. It is suggested that the hamuli originated as the adult attachment organs of protomonogeneans inhabited the gills of the first vertebrates. Primarily they were represented by two lateral pairs of large hooks disposed anterior to the larval haptor. The fundamental direction in the evolution of monogeneans was the concentration of all attachment structures on the growing haptor. It the course of this evolutionary process, the hamuli onchoblasts migrated to the haptor, in which they had reached the position in the hind part of the haptor. The neotenic evolution of the Dactylogyridea and Gyrodactyloidea resulted in the forming new hamuli pairs. The hooks of opposite sides of the haptor are joined in a single complex within each side by the transverse plates (bars). So the presence of 4 hamuli is plesiomorphy for all the monogeneans and the presence of the transverse bars and new hamuli pairs are apomorphy for the Dactylogyridea and Gyrodactyloidea, whose evolution was linked with that of the Teleostei. The origin of the new hamuli pairs and transverse bars in the Dactylogyridea and Gyrodactyloidea appears to be a convergence.
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