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Reproduction of three eulophid wasps that parasitise larvae of the citrus leafminer
Authors:Y Argov  B Schatz
Institution:1. The Israel Cohen Institute for Biological Control, Plants Production and Marketing Board, Citrus Division , Yehud-Monosson , Israel;2. Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment , The Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Rehovot , Israel
Abstract:The citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) (CLM), is a citrus pest indigenous to Southeast Asia. It was discovered in Israel in 1994. The pest attacks the young foliage of citrus, and damage is caused by the larvae tunnelling under the epidermis of young leaves, leading to foliage destruction. The present study documents basic biological parameters of three exotic eulophid wasps in the laboratory: Semielacher petiolatus, Quadrastichus citrella and Teleopterus sp. S. petiolatus females preferred to lay eggs in the 3rd larval instar of CLM, but did not lay eggs in the 1st instar. Its development ranged from 9 to 14 days. Female longevity was 30.2±5.9 days, its daily oviposition was 12.16±0.68 eggs/day, the total number of eggs oviposited per female was 278.9±74.1, and the number of CLM larvae parasitised was 260.0±68.3. Q. citrella preferred to lay in the 3rd and 4th instar larvae, but not in the 1st instar, its development ranged from 9 to 14 days, female longevity was 40.6±1.9 days, oviposition came to 8.3±0.6 eggs/day, the total number of eggs oviposited was 281.3±64.9/female and the number of parasitised CLM larvae was 276.5±63.7. Teleopterus sp. preferred to lay eggs in the 3rd larval instar, its development required 11–17 days, female longevity was 28.7±3.8 days, its daily number of offspring was 5.2±0.38 offspring/day and with emergence of 138.9±27.7 offspring/female. This knowledge enabled us to maintain high quality cultures for their releases in Israel.
Keywords:Semielacher petiolatus  Quadrastichus citrella  Teleopterus sp  Phyllocnistis citrella  host preference  fecundity
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