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作者姓名:吴志远  蒋捷  林毓银
摘    要:宽索鳃金龟是为言猕猴挑的重要食叶害虫.该虫在福建建宁县一年发生一代,以成虫在土中越冬,翌年4月上旬开始出土为害,4月下旬至5月下旬为害盛期,成虫可整夜取食猕猴桃叶片和花器,成虫出土及人土的时间较为整齐.5月上旬雌虫开始在土中产卵,5月下旬开始孵化.幼虫3龄,在土中1-20cm处活动,以8-10cm处占绝大多数,幼虫取食土壤中腐植质和根皮,截根.9月上旬开始化蛹,10月中旬成虫开始羽化。但当年不出土,逗留在土中。并越冬.采用50%辛硫磷1000—2000倍液防治幼虫:80%敌敌畏乳油1000倍.帅%乐果800-1000倍、25%溴氰菊酯5000倍等药液毒杀成虫均有良好效果,亦可人工捕杀和灯光诱杀成虫.

关 键 词:成虫  幼虫  越冬  取食  灯光诱杀  人工捕杀  花器  雌虫  猕猴  产卵

Wu Zhiyuan Jiang Jie Lin Yuyin.STUDIES ON SOPHROPS LATA FREY[J].Entomological Journal of East China,1992,1(2):40-45.
Authors:Wu Zhiyuan Jiang Jie Lin Yuyin
Abstract:Sophrops lata Frey is an important pest infesting the Actinidia trees in thc north of Fujian Province.The beetle has one generation per year in Jianning,Fujian Province. Hibernation of the adults usually begins in mid October in the soil.The beetle adults activate in early April of the next year,with the peak period from early April to late May,during which they can keep earing the leaves and flowers of Actinidia tree all night.They get into and out of the soil at regular times.The females lay eggs singly in the soil in early May,which in- cubate in late May.There are three larval instars.Its larvae move under 1 to 20cm depth of soil,mostly under 8-10cm depth.The larvae feed on the humus and on the root or cuts of the roots.The old larvae change themselves into pupae in early September.In mid October the adults emerge,but they may remain in the soil for the rest time of the year. The following measures have been found to control the beetle effectively:1,injecting in- secticide such as 50% phoxion(1:1000-2000,v/v)into the soil to kill the larvae; 2, spraying 80% dichtorvos emulsion(1:1500,v/v),40% dimethoate(1:800-1000,v/v)and 2.5% desis (1:5000,v/v)etc.to kill the adult in the field;3,men-killing and lamp or ultraviolet lamp to kill the adults.
Keywords:Sophrops lata Frey  biological characteristics  Actinidia tree
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