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警惕椰子织蛾Opisina arenosella Walker (鳞翅目:织蛾科)传入中国
引用本文:吕宝乾,严珍,金启安,温海波,符悦冠,李伟东,彭正强.警惕椰子织蛾Opisina arenosella Walker (鳞翅目:织蛾科)传入中国[J].生物安全学报,2013,22(1):17-22.
作者姓名:吕宝乾  严珍  金启安  温海波  符悦冠  李伟东  彭正强
摘    要:【背景】椰子织蛾是棕榈植物上的主要害虫。该害虫在印度和斯里兰卡危害严重,现已入侵泰国。【方法】在收集、整理椰子织蛾原产地或已知入侵地的生物学、生态学、地理学等信息的基础上,介绍了椰子织蛾的主要形态特征、寄主、分布、生物特性,并对该有害生物入侵我国的风险及后果进行综合分析。【结果】椰子织蛾幼虫通常为5龄,大多在棕榈植物叶背面为害。卵期约为5 d,幼虫期约为42 d,蛹期约为12 d,成虫产卵约为137粒。从适生性风险角度看,目前椰子织蛾在南亚和东南亚棕榈植物分布区危害严重,我国南方棕榈植物产区具有相似的生物气候,是椰子织蛾潜在的地理分布区;从传入扩散风险角度看,椰子织蛾成虫能够飞翔,且我国与该害虫发生国家特别是东盟国家的贸易日益频繁,加大了该害虫传入我国的可能性;从经济与生态风险角度看,椰子织蛾入侵我国后将危害椰子等棕榈植物,给相关产业带来损失,影响从业人员收入,同时影响本地生态环境,可能导致生态灾害。【结论与意义】椰子织蛾有入侵我国的可能,有效的检疫管理措施是防范其入侵的主要手段。生物防治是治理该害虫的重要措施之一。

关 键 词:椰子织蛾  棕榈植物  风险分析  检疫管理

Exotic pest alert: Opisina arenosella (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae)
Bao-qian Lü,Zhen YAN,Qi-an JIN,Hai-bo WEN,Yue-guan FU,Wei-dong LI,Zheng-qiang PENG.Exotic pest alert: Opisina arenosella (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae)[J].Journal of Biosafety,2013,22(1):17-22.
Authors:Bao-qian Lü  Zhen YAN  Qi-an JIN  Hai-bo WEN  Yue-guan FU  Wei-dong LI  Zheng-qiang PENG
Institution:1* 1Key Laboratory of Integrated Pest Management on Tropical Crops, Ministry of Agriculture of China/Danzhou Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Agro-Environment, Ministry of Agriculture of China, Environment and Plant Protection Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agriculture Sciences, Danzhou, Hainan 571737, China; 2College of Environment and Plant Protection, Hainan University, Haikou, Hainan 570228, China; 3Hainan Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Haikou, Hainan 570311, China
Abstract:【Background】Opisina arenosella Walker is an important pest on palm plants. The species is a severe pest in India and Sri Lanka; it has recently invaded Thailand. 【Method】Based on collected information about biology, ecology and the distbirution of O.arenosella, this paper presents its potential range in China. Invasion risk and consequences were also analyzed. 【Result】O.arenosella larvae usually have five instars and feed on the under surface of palm leaves. The egg stage lasts on average five days, larval stage lasts on average 42 days, pupae stage lasts on average 12 days, and a female lays on average 137 eggs. Areas with palms in south of China are potentially suitable distribution areas for O.arenosella as its phenology is similar to South and Southeastern Asia; Introduction and spread risk aspect: The flight ability of the adult and international trade, particularly with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) could enhance the pest entry possibilities; An eventual invasion of O.arenosella would damage coconut palms (Cocos nucifera L.), causing losses in palm based industries, reduce the income of local residents and have a negative effect on local ecology. 【Conclusion and significance】Risk analysis of O.arenosella showed the pest might invade China and quarantine measures should be introduced for pest risk management. Biological control options should be explored.
Keywords:Opisina arenosella  palm plant  risk analysis  quarantine management
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