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Simultaneous evaluation of viability and acrosome integrity of mouse spermatozoa using light microscopy
Authors:T Somfai  S Z Bod    S Z Nagy  E G  cza  J Iv  ncsics  A Kov  cs
Institution:University of West-Hungary, Institute of Animal Breeding, Mosonmagyaróva'r.
Abstract:Determination of the percentage of live cells with intact acrosomes and no morphologic aberrations could be a practical index of semen quality. We applied viability and acrosome staining techniques, originally described for bull, boar and rabbit sperm, to mouse spermatozoa. The viability stain was either trypan blue or Congo red. The stain was precipitated by neutral red in the fixative. The acrosome was stained by Giemsa. Sperm morphology, including cytoplasmic droplets, could be evaluated as well. The staining method described here is a useful routine tool for simultaneous evaluation of the plasma membrane integrity of different sperm subdomains, the status of the acrosome, and cellular morphology.
Keywords:Acrosome Integrity  Light Microscopy  Mouse  Spermatozoa  Viability
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