Abstract: | In an effort to study T cell functions in Lewis rats immunized with ABA-N-acetyl-L-tyrosine (ABA-tyr), we developed an antigen that provides a sensitive assay of ABA-specific helper function that is read as an increase in TNP-specific plaque-forming cells (PFC). This antigen has ABA coupled to AECM-Ficoll by virtue of a tripeptide (tyr-ala-ala) spacer and TNP coupled to the AECM side chains. At subimmunogenic doses, this antigen induced 400 anti-TNP PFC/10(6) spleen cells in ABA-tyr-immunized rats. As many as 8000 PFC/10(6) spleen cells were induced with larger doses of antigen (200 micrograms). By contrast, only 490 PFC/10(6) spleen cells could be induced with 1 mg of the conventional doubly haptenated protein carriers such as ABA-BSA-TNP. Both direct and indirect PFC were induced by this antigen in primed rats. The use of this antigen and passive transfer techniques to study ABA-specific helper activity revealed some differences from ABA-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) and in vitro proliferation, which were studied previously. Cells responsible for helper activity appeared sooner after immunization and were found most prominently in peritoneal exudates but also significantly in spleen where the cells responsible for DTH or in vitro proliferative responses were never found. By contrast, helper cells were not seen in lymph nodes, where some proliferative activity could be found. Of these three ABA-specific T cell functions, helper activity was least easily suppressed by the previously used regimens of ABA-tyr in incomplete freunds adjuvant (IFA). Moreover, helper activity appears after injection of ABA-tyr in IFA, a method that has never in our hands yielded detectable DTH or in vitro proliferative responses. Despite these differences, phenotyping with monoclonal antibodies indicated that cells responsible for helper and proliferative activities were both W3/25+ and OX8-. |