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Action selection and refinement in subcortical loops through basal ganglia and cerebellum
Authors:Houk J C  Bastianen C  Fansler D  Fishbach A  Fraser D  Reber P J  Roy S A  Simo L S
Affiliation:Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL 60208, USA. j-houk@northwestern.edu
Abstract:Subcortical loops through the basal ganglia and the cerebellum form computationally powerful distributed processing modules (DPMs). This paper relates the computational features of a DPM's loop through the basal ganglia to experimental results for two kinds of natural action selection. First, functional imaging during a serial order recall task was used to study human brain activity during the selection of sequential actions from working memory. Second, microelectrode recordings from monkeys trained in a step-tracking task were used to study the natural selection of corrective submovements. Our DPM-based model assisted in the interpretation of puzzling data from both of these experiments. We come to posit that the many loops through the basal ganglia each regulate the embodiment of pattern formation in a given area of cerebral cortex. This operation serves to instantiate different kinds of action (or thought) mediated by different areas of cerebral cortex. We then use our findings to formulate a model of the aetiology of schizophrenia.
Keywords:modularity   serial order   pattern classification   error correction   schizophrenia   presynaptic inhibition
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