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A Transmission and Cryo-Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of the Formation of Aerenchyma (Cortical Gas-Filled Space) in Adventitious Roots of Rice (Oryza sativa)
The initiation and development ofaerenchyma in adventitiousroots of rice (Oryza sativa) was studied in tissuc up to approximately36-h-old using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and cryoscanningelectron microscopy (cryo-SEM). Aerenchyma resulting from selective cortical cell collapse isa naturally occurring feature of rice roots. Evidence of somecortical cell disruption was noticeable by TEM in cells thatwere approximately 6-h-old; it became more advanced as the cellsaged. At 12 h, early stages of cell wall breakdown and lossof cell turgidity were seen. Complete collapse of columns ofcells had occurred by 24 h. In tissue that was 36-h-old, thesenescent cytoplasm of many remaining cells began to disperse.The visual evidence suggests that cell collapse was the resultof autolysis. This pattern of cortical degeneration in ricewas dissimilar to that reported elsewhere for Zea roots grownin an oxygen depleted environment. Cryo-SEM revealed the occurrence of small structures withinthe cortex with the external appearance of miniature, intactcells which are not preserved during conventional SEM preparativeprocedures. Key words: Rice (Oryza sativa L.), roots, aerenchyma, ultrastructure
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