Biostratigraphical correlation of late carboniferous (Kasimovian) sections in the Carnic Alps (Austria/Italy): Integrated paleontological data, facies, and discussion |
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Authors: | Dipl.-Geol. Holger C. Forke Dr. Elias Samankassou |
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Affiliation: | 1. Forschungsinstitut Seckenberg, Senckenberganlage 25, D-60325, Frankfurt/M. 2. Institut für Pal?ontologie, Universit?t Erlangen, Loewenichstr. 28, D-91054, Erlangen
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Abstract: | Summary The fusulinacean faunal content of the Bombaso Fm. and lower part of the Auernig Group (Carnic Alps, Austria/Italy) is reviewed and completed by data on conodonts and algae. Four different faunal associations can be distinguished within this stratigraphic interval. The beginning of the postvariscan sedimentation in the investigated sections is diachronous, shifting in age from early Kasimovian (Krevyakinian) at Zollner Lake and Mt. Auernig, early to middle Kasimovian at Cima Val di Puartis to late Kasimovian (Dorogomilovian) at Mt. Ro?kofel. The sections analyzed consist of shallow-marine sediments, which differ in microfacies of limestones and partly in biotic assemblages. They are geographically isolated and could not be traced laterally for lithologic correlation in the field. The biostratigraphic correlation with the faunas of the stratotype sections in the Moscow Basin is hindered by the searceness of fusulinaceans in the critical levels, especially in the lowermost Kasimovian, and differences in the species composition. A biostratigraphic correlation of the Bombaso Fm. and basal part of the Auernig Group with the Peski Fm. (Myachkovian) of the Moscow Basin, as suggested byDavydov & Krainer (1999), is not confirmed by our results. Due to our taxonomic reinterpretation of the oldest fauna (Protriticites aff.permirus with distinct mural pores and largeBeedeina (Pseudotriticites) asiaticus) a lowermost Kasimovian (Lower Krevyakinian) age is more probable. This correlation is supported by the co-occurring conodont fauna, which is suggested to belong to the zone of “Streptognathodus subexcelsus”. This biozone reaches from the topmost Peski Fm. to the Suvorovo Fm. (Lower Krevyakinian) in the Moscow Basin, and may be correlated with the uppermost Desmoinesian of the Midcontinent North America. Fusulinaceans and conodonts of the overlying strata at Zollner Lake and from the sections at Cima Val di Puartis and Mt. Auernig most probably correspond to the upper Krevyakinian/lowermost Khamovnikian of the Russian platform (Lower Missourian of the Midcontinent North America). The algal associations (Dvinella, Beresella, Herakella) from these lowermost strata are unique for the Carnic Alps. Their stratigraphic range points to Moscovian-Kasimovian as well, and fits with the fusulinacean and conodont data. Sediments of the N?lbling Group (=“untere kalkreiche Schichtgruppe”) have their correlative levels in the upper Khamovnikian, but reach higher into the Dorogomilovian. More reliable correlations are possible with the fusulinacean faunas of the Cantabrian Mts. and Central Asia, based on the coincidence of several species. A revised biostratigraphic correlation with the different remote basins of the Paleotethyan realm and the Russian Platform is given, based on own data and recent results by the members of the SCCS Working group to define a GSSP close to the Moscovian/Kasimovian boundary. The sequence-stratigraphic scheme, the systematics, and the biostratigraphic correlation ofDavydov & Krainer (1999) are discussed. |
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Keywords: | Biostratigraphy Micropaleontology Facies Fusulinaceans Conodonts Algae Sequence stratigraphy Carnic alps Austria Italy Late carboniferous |
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