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The effects of Cu on the adenylate energy charge of open ocean phytoplankton
Authors:Fitzwater, Steve E.   Knauer, George A.   Martin, John H.
Affiliation:Moss Landing Marine Laboratories Moss Landing, CA 95039, USA
The effects of short-term, acute Cu exposure (6 h) on the adenylateenergy charge (ECA) of open-ocean phytoplankton populations(northeastern equatorial Pacific) were investigated. Energycharge remained at {small tilde}0.77 over the range of Cu additions(0.025 – 5.µg l–1), even though 14C uptakeand total adenylate levels (ATP + ADP + AMP) were reduced byas much as 60%. These findings suggest that ECA alone is nota sensitive indicator of acute sublethal metal effects on phytoplankton. 1This research was supported by the NSF Biological OceanographyProgram grant #OCE 81-17286.
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