Abstract: | The influence of variations in muscle fibre composition on isometric endurance capacity was measured in 23 young healthy untrained male volunteers. After determination of the maximum voluntary force of contraction (MVC), subjects sustained to fatigue contractions at forces of 80%, 50% and 20% of MVC with a 5-min rest between each. A needle biopsy was obtained from m. vastus lateralis and used for histochemical determination of fibre composition based on myosin ATP-ase activity, and fibre are a based on succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity. Endurance times were 21 +/- 9 s (mean +/- SD) at 80% of MVC, 56 +/- 17 s at 50% of MVC and 203 +/- 89 s at 20% of MVC. A wide range of muscle fibre compositions was observed with Type I fibres accounting for 48.0 +/- 10.5% of the total, corresponding to 45.0 +/- 11.5% of the total muscle area. Muscle fibre composition, whether expressed as the proportions of the different fibre types present, or as the fraction of total muscle cross-sectional area occupied by each fibre type was not correlated with isometric endurance capacity at any of the three forces studied. Endurance time was also unrelated to MVC. In contrast to the results of previous studies where trained subjects were used, or where different muscle groups were compared, these results suggest that isometric endurance is not influenced by muscle fibre composition. |