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Authors:Charles E. Miller
Affiliation:Department of Biology, The A. and M. College of Texas, College Station, Texas
Miller , Charles E. (A. and M. College of Texas, College Station.) Studies on the life cycle and taxonomy of Ligniera verrucosa. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(10): 725–729. Illus. 1959.—A study of the roots of Veronica persica Poir. and V. hederaefolia L. plants infected with Sorosphaera veronicae Schroeter revealed intracellular cystosori and zoosporangial sori of Ligniera verrucosa. The zoosporangial phase of this species has been heretofore unknown. The plasmodia of L. verrucosa occur in root hairs, and other epidermal and sub-epidermal cells of the roots. Zoosporangial and cystosoral plasmodia are indistinguishable until cleavage has started. It is thought that plasmodia produced during early infection develop into zoosporangia, while those produced later develop into resting spores. Zoospores discharged from zoosporangia may reinfect host cells developing there into zoosporangial or cystosoral plasmodia. No evidence for any sexual process was observed. The spherical zoosporangia making up a single zoosporangial sorus may be interconnected; a single discharge pore may serve to liberate zoospores from different zoosporangia. In the Plasmodiophorales the classical basis for generic distinction has been the arrangement of the resting spores in the sorus. Ligniera, because of the supposedly uncharacteristic nature of its cystosori, has been suggested as a host-variety of Sorosphaera. A comparative study of the cystosori and zoosporangia of Ligniera and Sorosphaera growing in a single host has led to the conclusion that these genera should be considered distinct.
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