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Vertical bars on male Xiphophorus multilineatus: a signal that deters rival males and attracts females
Authors:Morris, Molly R.   Mussel, Michelle   Ryan, Michael J.
Affiliation:Department of Zoology, University of Texas Austin, TX 78712, USA M. R. Morris is now at the Department of Natural Sciences, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore Campus, Princess Anne, MD 21853, USA.
We examined the function of the vertical bar pattern on maleswordtails (Xiphophorus multilinneatus) as a signal in bothmale-male competition and female choice. This pattern had previouslybeen described as an aggressive signal because males intensifiedthe bars during male-male encounters in the laboratory. Ourfield observations supported this observation and also showedthat bars intensified when males courted females. The intensityof bars was correlated with access to females in the field.Within the size range of males that have bars, however, neitherbar number nor male size appeared to influence access to females.We used freeze-branding to remove the bars from males in thelaboratory so that we could control for characters correlatedwith bar intensity, and tested males and females separatelyso that we could separate the influence of these two componentsof sexual selection. We compared the responses of males andfemales to males that had their bars removed and control malesfreeze-branded between the bars. Test males responded more aggressivelyto males without bars as compared to control males. In addition,females showed a preference for control males over males thathad their bars removed. These results suggest that the barsmay function as a signal that deters rival males and attractsfemales.
Keywords:aggressive signal, courtship, dichromatism, female choice, male-male competition, Poeciliidae, sexual selection, vertical bars, Xiphophorus multilineatus. (Behav Ecol 6: 274–  279 (1995)].
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