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Changes of enzyme activities associated with the mobilization of carbohydrate reserves (fructans) from the stem of wheat during kernel filling
Affiliation:Botanical Institute, University of Cologne, D-50931 Köln Germany; CSIRO Plant Industry, Canberra, Australia; To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:; Present address: CSIRO Tropical Agricultural Davies Laboratory, Aitkenvale, Australia.
Abstract:Wheat plants were grown at a day/night temperature of 18/13°C under glasshouse conditions. Twenty-two d after anthesis, one set of plants was shaded to 50% of the normal photon fluence rate, another was 'degrained' by selective spikelet removal which left only the grains in the five central spikelets; a further set was left as control. Individual plants were harvested at days 22, 30 or 42 after anthesis. Extracts from the peduncle and the penultimate internode were prepared to determine the activities of sucrose phosphate synthase, sucrose synthase, fructan exohydrolase and acid invertase, and to assess the concentration of hexose sugars, sucrose and fructans. Measurements were also made of ear and individual grain weights, and stem f. wt and d. wt. There was a decline in the amount of fructans with time, more pronounced in 'shaded' (source-limited) than in control plants. By contrast, in 'degrained' (sink-limited) plants, the amount of fructans in the stem initially rose, then decreased, with a concomitant increase in the amount of fructose. The shifts in sugar content of the wheat culm reflected both the sink demand of the ear and source activity. The activity of fructan exohydrolase correlated with the carbohydrate changes. Under limited photosynthate assimilation, the mobilization of fructans from the internodes towards the ear was related to an increase in this enzyme, whereas the other enzymes played a less direct role in the mobilization of fructan reserves from the wheat stem.
Keywords:Fructans    fructan exohydrolase    mobilization    post-anthesis    reserves    wheat
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