Abstract: | Samples of Daphnia longispina, Ceriodaphnia quadrangula and Bosmina longirostris have been simultaneously reared in cages immersed in two fish ponds differing principally by their trophic status.Vital parameters such as duration of postembryonic stage, rate of growth of young and adults as well as fecundity were studied against environmental factors.The importance of food quantity, temperature and of their interaction on size, rate of growth and fecundity was investigated.The magnitude of the discrepancies between these parameters as measured under natural and laboratory conditions is stressed.
Developpement, Croissance et fecondite de cladoceres en fonction de la temperature et du niveau trophique. Elevage experimental in situ dans deux etangs Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique et Service de Biologie, Université de l'Etat à Mons |