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HYLAS: program for generating H curves (abstract three-dimensional representations of long DNA sequences)
Authors:Hamori, Eugene   Varga, Gabor   LaGuardia, James J.
Affiliation:Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Tulane University New Orleans, LA 70112, USA
Abstract:The computer program HYLAS generates from a standard DNA lettersequence a three-dimensional space curve (H curve) which embodiesthe entire information content of the original nucleotide sequence.The program can display H curves either as two-dimensional (frontand side view) projections or as stereo-pair images. The curvescan be marked at specific nucleotide locations, annotated, rotatedfor observation from any viewing angle, and manipulated forconvenient side-by-side comparisons. Unlike the cumbersome lettersequences, H curves can be drastically condensed in size withoutlosing their ability to reflect the global nucleotide-distributionpattern of the entire DNA sequence. Often, biologically importantloci can be visually identified on the H curves. HYLAS is writtenin FORTRAN with separate mainframe (IBM- VM/CMS) and microcomputer(MS-DOS) versions. It uses the Tektronix-TCS library of graphicsubroutines. Received on October 24, 1988; accepted on July 15, 1989
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