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Some common signal transduction events are not necessary for the elicitor-induced accumulation of silymarin in cell cultures of Silybum marianum
Authors:Sánchez-Sampedro María Angeles  Fernández-Tárrago Jorge  Corchete Purificación
Affiliation:Departamento de Fisiología Vegetal, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Salamanca, Campus Miguel de Unamuno, 37007 Salamanca, Spain.
Abstract:A variety of pharmacological effectors of signal transduction pathways were used to investigate the elicitor-activated sequence of cellular responses by which yeast extract (YE) or methyljasmonate (MeJA) enhanced production of silymarin in cell cultures of Silybum marianum. As we recently showed that inhibition of external and internal calcium fluxes significantly increased flavonolignan production in S. marianum cultures, we examined whether calcium mediates signaling events leading to enhancement of silymarin production upon YE or MeJA elicitation. Pre-treatment of cultures with calcium chelators, calcium blockers or intracellular antagonists enhanced the elicitor effect of YE or MeJA. The increase of intracellular-free Ca(2+) level also promoted the elicitor effect, suggesting that an external source of calcium or alterations in internal calcium fluxes were not required for the elicitation to occur. Activation of phosphorylation/dephosphorylation cascades did not appear to mediate the elicitation mechanism; the increase in silymarin induced by elicitation was not suppressed by inhibitors of protein phosphatases or by protein kinase inhibitors. No H(2)O(2) generation was detected at any time after elicitation. Also, diphenyleneiodonium, a potent inhibitor of NAD(P)H-oxidase, did not block silymarin production in elicited cultures. From these results, we conclude that S. marianum cell cultures do not appear to employ conserved signaling components in the transduction of the elicitor signal to downstream responses such as silymarin production.
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