Abstract: | Qualitative histochemical G6PDH distribution patterns obtained in the liver acinus of adult male and female rats with an improved method (Rieder et al., 1978) served as a basis for the isolation by microdissection of tissue samples of defined zonal affiliation. G6PDH activity was assayed quantitatively in tissue samples of zones 1 and 3 by a microfluorometric method, using the oil well technique and enzymatic cycling (Burch et al., 1963; Lowry and Passonneau, 1972). With the use of a correlation system further evidence could be presented for the validity of the recently described qualitative distribution patterns. From a total of 50 analyzed tissue samples the following G6PDH activities were calculated: 4.25 +/- 1.56 U/g dry weight in zone 1 and 2.08 +/- 0.46 U/g dry weight in zone 3 of male and 7.21 +/- 1.03 U/g dry weight in zone 1 and 11.10 +/- 2.56 U/g dry weight in zone 3 of female rats. These data were corrected for interference from the G6PDH activity of the Kupffer cells within zone 1 samples (approximately 80 U/g dry weight), so that the actual relative values for the parenchymal activity could be estimated for the first time: 2 U/g dry weight in zones 1 and 3 of male animals, 5 U/g dry weight in zone 1 and 11 U/g dry weight in zone 3 of female animals. In female livers G6PDH activity in zone 1 is therefore 2.5 times higher, and in zone 3 5 times higher than in the male. These zonal as well as sex-differences are clearly indicative of a heterogeneous functional organization of the liver acinus in terms of capacity for NADPH production, mainly in connection with reductive reactions in fatty acid synthesis. |