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Genetic diversity and gene flow in a Caribbean tree Pterocarpus officinalis Jacq.: a study based on chloroplast and nuclear microsatellites
Authors:F. Muller  M. Voccia  A. Bâ  J. -M. Bouvet
Affiliation:Biological System Department, CIRAD, Campus international de Baillarguet TA-A 39/C, 34398, Montpellier cedex 5, France. felix.muller@laposte.net
Abstract:We analysed the molecular diversity of Pterocarpus officinalis, a tree species distributed in Caribbean islands, South and Central America to quantify the genetic variation within island, to assess the pattern of differentiation and infer levels of gene flow; with the overall goal of defining a strategy of conservation. Two hundred two individuals of 9 populations were analysed using three chloroplast and six nuclear microsatellite markers. The observed heterozygosity varied markedly among the populations for nuclear (H Onuc = 0.20–0.50) and chloroplast microsatellites (H cp = 0.22–0.68). The continental population from French Guyana showed a higher value of H Onuc than island populations, and the differences were significant in some cases. The fixation index F IS ranged from −0.043 to 0.368; a significant heterozygote deficit was detected in 7 populations. The heterozygosity excess method suggested that two populations in Guadeloupe have undergone a recent bottleneck. Global and pairwise F ST were high for both nuclear (F STnuc = 0.29) and chloroplast microsatellites (F STcp = 0.58). The neighbour-joining tree based on both markers, presented a differentiation pattern that can be explained by the seed dispersal by flotation and marine stream. The comparison of Bayesian approach and the method based on allelic frequency demonstrate a very limited number of migrants between populations.
Keywords:Pterocarpus officinalis Jacq.  Nuclear microsatellites  Chloroplast microsatellites  Bayesian clustering  Genetic structure  Migrants
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