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Longitudinal Water Movement in the Primary Root of Zea mays
Abstract:The rates of transfer of tritiated water (THO) along lengthsof excised primary roots of Zea mays have been measured undera variety of conditions. The following values of ‘apparentdiffusion coefficients’ for THO in the root tissue havebeen evaluated: 1.5±0.1x10-5 cm2 sec-1 in roots boiledfor 3 min before use,0.5±0.03x10-5 cm2 sec-1 in rootspoisoned with 10-2 M NaF,0.9±0.07x10-5 cm2 sec-1 in rootspoisoned with 10-2 M NaN3,and 2.1±0.2x10-5 cm2 sec-1in normal roots. The bathing medium in all cases was 1.0 mMKCl/0.1 mM CaCl2 with the addition of the inhibitors where appropriate.Thefourfold increase in the rate of THO transfer in normal rootscompared with poisoned ones is attributed to the existence ofa long-distance convective flow in the first case, which isterminated by the addition of inhibitors. Since experimentsshow that this convective flow must occur both acropetally andbasipetally with equal velocity, it is thought to occur in thephloem.By assuming the ‘streaming transcellular strands’model for phloem transport, the rate of movement required togive the observed transfer has been computed as approximately4.5x10-2 cm sec-1 (160 cm h-1).The earlier report of the existenceof a highly impermeable barrier surrounding the xylem vesselshas been further substantiated by the experiments reported here.
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