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引用本文:郭逍宇,张金屯,宫辉力,张桂莲,董志. 安太堡矿区复垦地植被恢复过程多样性变化[J]. 生态学报, 2005, 25(4): 763-770
作者姓名:郭逍宇  张金屯  宫辉力  张桂莲  董志
作者单位:1. 首都师范大学资源环境与地理信息系统北京市重点实验室,北京,100037;首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院,北京,100037
2. 北京师范大学生命科学院,北京,100875
3. 中国科学院华南植物研究所,广州,510650
4. 首都师范大学生物系,北京,100037
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (3 0 0 70 14 0 ),北京市教育委员会资助项目 (KE2 0 0 410 0 2 80 14 )~~
摘    要:植被生态系统的重建是矿区复垦地恢复的主要环节之一。通过群落调查和实验分析,采用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数,结合DCCA排序、多元线性回归和相关分析,研究了平朔安太堡矿区复垦地植被恢复过程中多样性的变化。群落多样性分析结果表明:(1)直接种植植被演替后期的植物种大大加速了原始植被演替进程;(2 )多样的人工配置群落比单一的人工配置群落更能促进群落向正向演替的方向发展;(3)能够适应矿区特殊生境的植被配置方式在恢复进程中与自然植被表现出一定的差异,这种差异只持续发生植被恢复的前3a,3a之后群落的演替与自然植被的演替表现出趋同性;(4)森林群落是较灌丛群落更适合安太堡矿区特殊生境的植被配置方式,其中刺槐和油松的混交效果较好。物种多样性的分析表明:(1)多样性偏高的群落与有机质和时间联系较为紧密,而多样性偏低的群落则与锰的联系较为紧密;(2 )制约矿区物种多样性变化的主要因素是土壤水分和演替时间;(3)锌对各多样性指数都有一定的影响(4)有机质、时间与丰富度指数相关显著;(5 )海拔与综合多样性指数相关显著;(6 )铜对均匀度指数的影响较大。方法的比较结果表明:(1)多元线性回归的灵敏度比相关分析高;(2 ) DCCA可以作为对定量分析的补充,解释那些在定量分析中不显著的因

关 键 词:安太堡矿区复垦地植被恢复  多样性  DCCA  多元线性回归  相关分析

Analysis of changes of the species diversity in the process of vegetation restoration in Antaibao Mining Field, China
GUO Xiaoyu,ZHANG Jintun,GONG Huili,ZHANG Guilian and DONG Zhi. Analysis of changes of the species diversity in the process of vegetation restoration in Antaibao Mining Field, China[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(4): 763-770
Authors:GUO Xiaoyu  ZHANG Jintun  GONG Huili  ZHANG Guilian  DONG Zhi
Affiliation:Beijing Key Lab. for Resources Environment and GIS; Beijing; China
Abstract:vegetation restoration is one of the important methods of land reclamation in the mining field. This study applied the survey of communities, and the biological dating methods, the richness indices, diversity indices, evenness indices and DCCA, multi-factors liner regression, correlation analysis to analyze the relationships of community types, environmental variables and community structure in the process of vegetation restoration of Antaibao Mine,China. The results of community diversity are as follows: (1) experience with these various rehabilitation method by the introduction of later-succession plant species in mining area is much shorter than the general rotation ;(2) high-diversity mixtures of species are better able to enhance the succession than low-diversity species mixtures;(3) The study compares differences in plant species composition that have been created artificially. The effect of these differences often refer to a relatively short period of the first three years. After that time, there is a same trend between the both; (4) forest community is more adaptable for the special inhabitation than the shrub community . In the process of succession, the change of community diversity show that the succession model of Robinia pseudoacacia- pinus tabulaeforms is suggested as the best one in this location. The results of the species diversity are: (1)high-diversity community is mainly influenced by the succession and organic, the low-diversity community is mainly influenced by Mn; (2)water conditions and succession time are the important factors influencing the change of diversity indices in Antaibo Mine. With increase of the water conditions in soil and the succession procession, the diversity indices are increased; (3)the community indices are influenced by Zn; (4)the correlation of the abundance and organic matter are significant, so is the correlation of the abundance and time,;(5)the higher the elevation, the more the heterogeneous diversity;(6)Cu mainly influences evenness. The study of the methods indicates that:(1)the multi-factors liner regression is more effective than correlation analysis;(2)DCCA, as the supplement to the quantitative analysis, can explain the insignificant factors in the regression and correlation analysis;(3)Backward Regression is much better than Forward Regression.
Keywords:vegetation restoration  diversity  DCCA  multi-factors liner regression  correlation analysis
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