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Correlation between loss of turgor and accumulation of abscisic acid in detached leaves
Authors:Margaret Pierce  Klaus Raschke
Affiliation:(1) MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State University, 48824 East Lansing, MI, USA;(2) Present address: Pflanzenphysiologisches Institut, Universität Göttingen, Untere Karspüle 2, D-3400 Göttingen, Federal Republic of Germany
Abstract:Mature leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (red kidney bean), Xanthium strumarium L. (cocklebur), and Gossypium hirsutum L. (cotton) were used to study accumulation of abscisic acid (ABA) during water stress. The water status of individual, detached leaves was monitored while the leaves slowly wilted, and samples were cut from the leaves as they lost water. The leaf sections were incubated at their respecitive water contents to allow ABA to build up or not. At least 8 h were required for a new steady-state level of ABA to be established. The samples from any one leaf covered a range of known water potentials (psgr), osmotic pressures (pgr), and turgor pressures (p). The pgr and p values were calculated from ldquopressure-volume curvesrdquo, using a pressure bomb to measure the water potentials. Decreasing water potential had little effect on ABA levels in leaves at high turgor. Sensitivity of the production of ABA to changes in psgr progressively increased as turgor approached zero. At p=1 bar, ABA content averaged 4 times the level found in fully turgid samples. Below p=1 bar, ABA content increased sharply to as much as 40 times the level found in unstressed samples. ABA levels rose steeply at different water potentials for different leaves, according to the psgr at which turgor became zero. These differences were caused by the different osmotic pressures of the leaves that were used; psgr must cqual -pgr for turgor to be zero. Leaves vary in pgr, not only among species, but also between plants of one and the same species depending on the growing conditions. A difference of 6 bars (calculated at psgr=0) was found between the osmotic pressures of leaves from two groups of G. hirsutum plants; one group had previously experienced periodic water stress, and the other group had never been stressed. When individual leaves were subsequently wilted, the leaves from stress-conditioned plants required a lower water potential in order to accumulate ABA than did leaves from previously unstressed plants. On the basis of these results we suggest that turgor is the critical parameter of plant water relations which controls ABA production in water-stressed leaves.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - me-ABA abscisic-acid methyl ester - psgr leaf water potential - pgr osmotic pressure - p volumeaveraged turgor - epsi volumetric modulus of elasticity
Keywords:Abscisic acid  Gossypium  Leaves (water relation)  Osmotic adjustment  Phaseolus  Turgor  Water stress  Xanthium
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