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Polyamine depletion arrests cell cycle and induces inhibitors p21Waf1/Cip1, p27Kip1, and p53 in IEC-6 cells
Authors:Ray, Ramesh M.   Zimmerman, Barbara J.   McCormack, Shirley A.   Patel, Tarun B.   Johnson, Leonard R.
Abstract:The polyamines spermidine and spermine and their precursorputrescine are intimately involved in and are required for cell growthand proliferation. This study examines the mechanism by whichpolyamines modulate cell growth, cell cycle progression, and signaltransduction cascades. IEC-6 cells were grown in the presence orabsence ofDL-alpha -difluoromethylornithine(DFMO), a specific inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase, which is thefirst rate-limiting enzyme for polyamine synthesis. Depletion ofpolyamines inhibited growth and arrested cells in theG1 phase of the cell cycle. Cellcycle arrest was accompanied by an increase in the level of p53 proteinand other cell cycle inhibitors, including p21Waf1/Cip1 andp27Kip1. Induction of cell cycleinhibitors and p53 did not induce apoptosis in IEC-6 cells, unlike manyother cell lines. Although polyamine depletion decreased the expressionof extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)-2 protein, a sustainedincrease in ERK-2 isoform activity was observed. The ERK-1 proteinlevel did not change, but ERK-1 activity was increased inpolyamine-depleted cells. In addition, polyamine depletion induced thestress-activated proteinkinase/c-JunNH2-terminal kinase (JNK) type ofmitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). Activation of JNK-1 was theearliest event; within 5 h after DFMO treatment, JNK activity wasincreased by 150%. The above results indicate that polyamine depletioncauses cell cycle arrest and upregulates cell cycle inhibitors andsuggest that MAPK and JNK may be involved in the regulation of theactivity of these molecules.
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