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Authors:Yolanda Del Amo   Mark A. Brzezinski
Affiliation:Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology and Marine Science Institute, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106
Abstract:Results of past studies of the pH-dependent Si uptake kinetics of Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin suggested that the anion SiO(OH)     is the chemical form of dissolved Si taken up by marine diatoms. We determined the chemical form of Si taken up by three other marine diatom species and P. tricornutum by examining the kinetics of Si use under two dramatically different SiO(OH)     :Si(OH)4 ratios in seawater by varying pH from ≈8 to ≈9.6. Uptake rates were determined using a precise and sensitive 32Si tracer methodology. The pH-dependent uptake kinetics obtained for all species except P. tricornutum suggest that marine diatoms transport Si(OH)4. The half-saturation constant (K m ) varies strongly as a function of pH for all species when the substrate of transport is assumed to be SiO(OH)     . Kinetic curves for Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hustedt) Hasle et Heimdal, Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) G. Fryxell et Hasle, and Cylindrotheca fusiformis Reimann et Lewin have statistically identical values of K m at each pH when the substrate for transport is assumed to be Si(OH)4 ( T. pseudonana and T. weissflogii ) or total dissolved silicon ( C. fusiformis ). In contrast, P. tricornutum exhibits unusual biphasic uptake kinetics: uptake conforms to Michaelis–Menten kinetics up to 15 to 25 μM, above which uptake increases linearly. This enigmatic response may have biased conclusions drawn from past experiments using this species. However, based on the consistency of the results for the three other species, a new model of Si transport in marine diatoms is proposed on the basis of the direct formation of a complex between the Si-transport protein and Si(OH)4.
Keywords:marine diatoms    pH    silicic acid transport    silicon    substrate    uptake kinetics
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