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The properties of citrate transport catalyzed by CitP of Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis biovar diacetylactis
Authors:Christian Magni,Paloma Ló  pez,Diego de,Mendoza
Affiliation:Department of Plant Biology, Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Technology Institute (GBB), University of Groningen, Kerklaan 30, 9751 NN Haren, The Netherlands
Abstract:Abstract The SC3 hydrophobin gene of Schizophyllum commune was disrupted by homologous integration of an SC3 genomic fragment interrupted by a phleomycin resistance cassette. The phenotype of the mutant was particularly clear in sealed plates in which formation of aerial hyphae was blocked. In non-sealed plates aerial hyphae did form but these were hydrophilic and not hydrophobic as in wild-type strains. Complementation with a genomic SC3 clone restored formation of hydrophobic aerial hyphae in sealed plates. In a dikaryon homozygous for the SC3 mutation normal sporulating fruiting bodies were produced but aerial hyphae were hydrophilic.
Keywords:Gene disruption in Schizophyllum    SC3 hydrophobin gene    Aerial hyphae    Fruiting body formation in Schizophyllum    Schizophyllum commune
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