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引用本文:董青松,赵小蓉,闫志刚,陈乾平,白隆华. 连作条件下毛鸡骨草根际土壤微生物群落功能多样性变化特征[J]. 广西植物, 2013, 0(5): 645-650
作者姓名:董青松  赵小蓉  闫志刚  陈乾平  白隆华
作者单位:1. 广西壮族自治区药用植物园, 南宁 530012; 2. 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院, 北京 100093
摘    要:
毛鸡骨草是治疗肝病的重要中草药之一,而连作障碍致其产量和品质下降。从主产区广西玉林分别采集正茬、重茬和连作三年的毛鸡骨草根际土壤样品,以种植前水稻土壤为对照,采用Biolog GN2 平板碳源分析技术,研究连作条件下根际土壤微生物群落功能多样性变化特征,以揭示其连作障碍的原因。结果表明,连作导致根际土壤微生物功能多样性显著降低,微生物利用各类碳源的能力下降。主成分分析(PCA)表明,不同种植年限的毛鸡骨草根际土壤微生物群落结构之间存在显著差异,且均与种植前对照明显不同,而同一种植年限不同生长期土壤微生物碳代谢群落结构虽有差异,但并不显著。相关分析表明,其产量与微生物功能多样性指数(如Shannon,Simpson,Mclntosh)以及平均吸光值(AWCD)值正相关,而与第一主成分(PC1)呈显著负相关,说明连作条件下其产量的降低在一定程度上与土壤微生物功能多样性的降低和群落结构的改变有关。

关 键 词:毛鸡骨草   连作障碍   根际土壤   微生物功能多样性   Biolog GN2平板

Variation characteristics of soil microbial community functional diversity in the rhizosphere of Abrus mollis under continuous cropping
DONG Qing-Song,ZHAO Xiao-Rong,YAN Zhi-Gang,CHEN Qian-Ping,BAI Long-Hua. Variation characteristics of soil microbial community functional diversity in the rhizosphere of Abrus mollis under continuous cropping[J]. Guihaia, 2013, 0(5): 645-650
Authors:DONG Qing-Song  ZHAO Xiao-Rong  YAN Zhi-Gang  CHEN Qian-Ping  BAI Long-Hua
Affiliation:1. Guangxi Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plant, Nanning 530023, China; 2. College of Resources and Environment, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100093, China
Abrus mollis is one of the important Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of liver disease. However,its yield and quality decline with serious continuous cropping obstacle. In this study,rhizosphere soil samples of A. mollis from different years of continuous cropping and uncultivated soil sample as control were collected from Yulin City,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The changes of soil microbial community functional diversity in the rhizosphere of A. mollis under continuous cropping were assessed using sole-carbon-source utilization by Biolog GN2 plate,in order to explore the production decline mechanisms of A. mollis in terms of microbial ecology. The results showed that continuous cropping significantly reduced the microbial functional diversity indices,such as Shannon,Simpson and McIntosh. The ability of utilizing carbon sources by microorganisms also significantly decreased with continuous cropping. Principal component analysis(PCA)resolved different years of continuous cropping of A. mollis,and the soil microbial community shifted after planting A. mollis compared to that in uncultivated soil. Correlation analysis indicated that the yield of A. mollis had a positive correlation with microbial diversity indices,AWCD,and had a significant negative correlation with PC1,which showed that the yield reduction of A. mollis with continuous cropping to some extent was related to the decline of soil microbial functional diversity and the shift of soil microbial community.
Keywords:Abrus mollis   continuous cropping obstacle   rhizosphere soil   microbial functional   Biology GN2 plate
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