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Lip and vermilion reconstruction with the facial artery musculomucosal flap
Authors:Pribaz J J  Meara J G  Wright S  Smith J D  Stephens W  Breuing K H
Affiliation:Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Mass 02115, USA. jjpribaz@bics.bwh.harvard.edu
The lips are a complex laminated structure. When lost through injury or disease, they present a complex reconstructive challenge. The facial artery musculomucosal (FAMM) flap is a composite flap with features similar to those of lip tissue. In this article, the anatomy, dissection, and clinical applications for the use of the FAMM flap in lip and vermilion reconstruction are discussed. A series of 16 FAMM flaps in 13 patients is presented. Seven patients had upper-lip reconstruction and six had lower-lip reconstruction. Superiorly based FAMM flaps were used in eight patients, and eight inferiorly based flaps were performed in five patients. Three patients had bilateral, inferiorly based flaps. In summary, the FAMM flap is a local flap that can be used for lip and vermilion reconstruction. Although not identical to the lip, it has many similar features, which make it an excellent option for lip reconstruction.
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