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The Structure and Development of the Vegetative Shoot Apex in Glechoma hederacea L
Authors:BOWES   B. G.
Affiliation:Division of Biology, Royal Veterinary College LondonDepartment of Botany, Birkbeck College London
The development of the vegetative shoot apex of Glechoma hederaceahas been followed through a double plastochron. During this period the apex grows from c. 20 to c. 260 µin height and c. 100 to c. 300 µ in width, whilst thepair of leaves inserted at the apex base increase from o toc. 600µ in height. The width of the apex and height ofthese leaves are directly related to apex height. Some variationoccurs in the average maximal dimensions of the apex with plastochronnumber but no regular increase or decrease in these dimensionsis apparent. Both a tunica-corpus organization and cytohistological zonationis visible within the apex throughout a double plastochron.The central initiation zone shows little change in size or appearanceduring this period but the rib and flank meristems grow considerablyand undergo some differentiation. The boundaries of these zonesare not sharply defined, but normally the rib meristem givesrise to the pith, and the flank meristem forms the epidermis,cortex, and provascular tissue. The provascular tissue differentiatesacropetally and in continuity with that in the axis below.
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