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Tagging genes for blast resistance in rice via linkage to RFLP markers
Authors:Z. H. Yu  D. J. Mackill  J. M. Bonman  S. D. Tanksley
Affiliation:(1) Department of Plant Breeding and Biometry, Cornell University, 252 Emerson Hall, 14853 Ithaca, NY, USA;(2) Divisions of Plant Breeding and Plant Pathology, International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, The Philippines
Abstract:Summary Both Pi-2(t) and Pi-4(t) genes of rice confer complete resistance to the blast fungal pathogen Pyricularia oryzae Cav. As economically important plant genes, they have been recently characterized phenotypically, yet nothing is known about their classical linkage associations and gene products. We report here the isolation of DNA markers closely linked to these blast resistance genes in rice. The DNA markers were identified by testing 142 mapped rice genomic clones as hybridization probes against Southern blots, consisting of DNA from pairs of nearly isogenic lines (NILs) with or without the target genes. Chromosomal segments introgressed from donor genomes were distinguished by restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) between the NILs. Linkage associations of the clones with Pi-2(t) and Pi4(t) were verified using F3 segregating populations of known blast reaction. Cosegregation of the resistant genotype and donor-derived allele indicated the presence of linkage between the DNA marker and a blast resistance gene. RFLP analysis showed that Pi-2(t) is closely linked to a single-copy DNA clone RG64 on chromosome 6, with a distance of 2.8+1.4(SE) cMorgans. Another blast resistance gene, Pi-4(t), is 15.3+4.2(SE) cMorgans away from a DNA clone RG869 on chromosome 12. These chromosomal regions can now be examined with additional markers to define the precise locations of Pi-2(t) and Pi-4(t). Tightly linked DNA markers may facilitate early selection for blast resistance genes in breeding programs. These markers may also be useful to map new genes for resistance to blast isolates. They may ultimately lead to the cloning of those genes via chromosome walking. The gene tagging approach demonstrated in this paper may apply to other genes of interest for both monogenic and polygenic traits.
Keywords:Disease resistance  Molecular markers  Oryza sativa L.  Pyricularia oryzae Cav.  Restriction fragment length polymorphism
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