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Microcalorimetric investigation of the metabolism of yeasts
Authors:Dr. I. Lamprecht  B. Schaarschmidt  G. Welge
Affiliation:(1) Zentralinstitut für Biochemie und Biophysik der Freien Universität, Habelschwerdter Allee 30, D-1000 Berlin 33, Germany
Abstract:Summary Microcalorimetric experiments on growth and maintenance metabolism ofSaccharomyces strains ranging from haploid to hexaploid are described. During growth, the mean dry weight, the mean volume and the maximum heat flux of the cells are nearly linear functions of ploidy. These parameters are correlated with the cell concentration in such a manner that the weight-specific heat production and the grown biomass are independent of ploidy. For the metabolism of maintenance, two levels of the specific heat flux are found, the lower of which is occupied by the haploids, diploids and triploids. The higher polyploids exhibit the higher level.
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