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Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase in canine pancreatic rough endoplasmic reticulum
Authors:S K Nigam  G Blobel
Affiliation:Laboratory of Cell Biology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Rockefeller University, New York, New York 10021.
Abstract:A canine pancreas homogenate was subfractionated by several differential centrifugation steps. The distribution of cAMP-dependent protein kinase in the various fractions was monitored by assaying [3H]cAMP binding and photo-cross-linking of the regulatory subunits of the enzyme (RI and RII) with radiolabeled 8-azido-cAMP. The distribution of the kinase was also compared to that of markers for the plasma membrane, the endoplasmic reticulum and the cytosol. While our results confirm previous studies suggesting the presence of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase in the cytosol and Golgi, a significant amount of the total [3H] cAMP binding and photolabeled R subunits (both RI and RII) were found in rough microsomes (RM). The association is relatively resistant to extraction with EDTA, low and high ionic strength solutions. These extractions unmasked several new phosphorylation substrates in the "stripped" RM that were inaccessible in the RM, possibly because they were covered by ribosomes or peripheral membrane proteins. RII with a molecular mass of 52 kDa (RII-52 kDa) was the predominant RII found in the cytosolic fraction, whereas RII-52 kDa and RII with a molecular mass of 54 kDa (RII-54 kDa) were approximately equally enriched in the RM fraction. The mobility of the RII-52 kDa-photolabeled band could be shifted to the mobility of the RII-54 kDa band by phosphorylation with purified catalytic subunit and ATP, indicating that they represent "dephospho" and "phospho" forms of RII, respectively. A more precise localization to the rough endoplasmic reticulum was accomplished by isopycnic floatation in sucrose gradients. The enzyme cobanded at the density of rough microsomes and shifted to the lower density of "stripped" microsomes after treatment with puromycin/high salt, which specifically removes ribosomes.
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