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Photosynthetic pathways in a midwestern rock outcrop succulent,Sedum nuttallianum Raf. (Crassulaceae)
Authors:Craig E. Martin  Jeffrey L. Jackson
Affiliation:(1) Department of Botany, University of Kansas, 66045 Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Abstract:Shoots of Sedum nuttallianum exhibited CAM* acid fluctuations in the field. These nocturnal acid accumulations persisted in the laboratory under well-watered and water-stressed conditions. Simultaneous measurements of transpiration, however, indicated daytime stomatal opening and nocturnal stomatal closure. Measurements of CO2 and H2O vapor exchange continuously for six days after watering substantiated these results in part: the majority of CO2 uptake occurred during the day early in the experiment; however, after several days without water, nighttime CO2 uptake was stimulated and eventually was greater than the drastically reduced daytime CO2 uptake. This nighttime uptake was never quite sufficient to account for all estimated increases in tissue acidity. Thus, a combination of CAM and CAM-cycling occurred early in the desiccation experiment. Evidence for CAM and a form of CAM-idling was found later in the experiment. Though nighttime CO2 uptake occurred and persisted after only one day without water, rates were too low to alter the tissue delta13C/12C value from a C3-like number (–30permil). Thus, although CAM and CAM-idling may have survival value during extended droughts, shoots of S. nuttallianum apparently utilize the C3 pathway to obtain most of their carbon.Abbreviations C3 pathway - CO2 fixation pathway in which an intermediate containing 3 carbon atoms is formed - CAM Crassulacean acid metabolism - Chl Chlorophyll - ci internal CO2 concentration - DW Dry weight - gc mean conductance to CO2 - FW Fresh weight - PAR Photosynthetically active radiation - SD Standard deviation - vpd Vapor pressure deficit - WUE Water use efficiency
Keywords:CAM-cycling  CAM-idling  Crassulacean acid metabolism  drought  rock outcrops  succulents
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