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Implementation of periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver proteinate staining for ultrastructural assessment of muscle glycogen utilization during exercise
Authors:Dr. Jan Fridén  Jan Seger  Björn Ekblom
Affiliation:(1) Department of Anatomy, Univ. of Umeå, Sweden;(2) Department of Orthopedic Research, Univ. of California, San Diego, USA;(3) Department of Physiology III, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden;(4) Department of Anatomy, University of Umeå, S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden
Summary Distribution of glycogen particles in semithin and ultrathin sections of biopsy samples from human muscles subjected to either short- or long-term running were investigated using PAS and Periodic Acid-ThioSemiCarbazide-Silver Proteinate (PA-TSC-SP) staining methods. Glycogen particles were predominantly found immediately under the sarcolemma or aligned along the myofibrillar Iband. After long-term exhaustive exercise type-1 fibers with a few or no glycogen particles in the core of the fibers were frequently observed. The subsarcolemmal glycogen stores of these ldquodepletedrdquo type-1 fibers were about three times as large as after exhaustive short-time exercise. Another indication of utilization of subsarcolemmal glycogen stores during anaerobic exercise was that many particles displayed a pale, rudimentary shape. This observation suggests fragmental metabolization of glycogen. Thus, depending on type of exercise and type of fiber differential and sequential glycogen utilization patterns can be observed.
Keywords:Skeletal muscles  Ultrastructure  Exercise  Glycogen  Humans
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