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Generation of measles virus defective interfering particles and their presence in a preparation of attenuated live-virus vaccine.
Authors:P Calain and  L Roux
Institution:Department of Microbiology, University of Geneva Medical School, Switzerland.
Abstract:By starting from a thrice-purified wild-type measles virus plaque, the generation of detectable subgenomic RNAs was achieved within a series of five serial infections of Vero cells. The evolution of these subgenomic RNAs was followed for seven serial passages and ended with the preparation of a highly interfering viral stock. On the other hand, the detection of discrete subgenomic RNAs was achieved during the first infection of Vero cells with at least one of three measles virus vaccine preparations tested. These subgenomic RNAs, which interfered very efficiently with the replication of the endogenous standard genomes upon vaccine infection but showed a moderate interfering activity with a standard virus stock derived by plaque purification from the vaccine preparation, resulted from the presence of defective interfering particles in the vaccine preparation. The relevance of this finding for the attenuation, stability, and potential capacity for persistent infection of such a vaccine is discussed.
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