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引用本文:崔娟,田霄鸿,陆欣春,任思潮,代二战. 玉米秸秆还田对石灰性土壤Zn形态及其有效性的影响[J]. 应用生态学报, 2011, 22(12): 3221-3226
作者姓名:崔娟  田霄鸿  陆欣春  任思潮  代二战
作者单位:西北农林科技大学资源环境学院/农业部西北植物营养与农业环境重点实验室, 陕西杨凌 712100
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(40971179,31071863); 西北农林科技大学创新团队建设项目(2010)资助
摘    要:采用尼龙网袋田间填埋的方法,研究了玉米秸秆还田对石灰性土壤Zn形态及其生物有效性的影响.结果表明:与施用Zn肥相比,秸秆还田对提高土壤全Zn含量贡献较小;施Zn肥和添加秸秆处理均显著增加土壤有效Zn(DTPA-Zn)含量,且施Zn肥处理增加的幅度更大;高锌秸秆还田后释放的Zn更易转化为土壤DTPA-Zn,转化率达49.0%,秸秆还田后土壤DTPA-Zn转化率呈先减小后增大的趋势,而施Zn肥处理的变化不大.土壤交换态Zn(Ex-Zn)、碳酸盐结合态Zn(Carb-Zn)、氧化锰结合态Zn(OxMn-Zn)、紧结有机态Zn(Sbo-Zn)和残渣态Zn(Min-Zn)含量在各处理中差异不大,施Zn肥处理的土壤松结有机态Zn(Wbo-Zn)含量显著大于对照和只添加秸秆处理.尽管玉米秸秆的含Zn量较低,但秸秆Zn释放后更易转化为DTPA-Zn,秸秆还田同时施用Zn肥是提高石灰性土壤供Zn能力的有效方法.

关 键 词:玉米秸秆  施Zn  形态  生物有效性   石灰性土壤  

Effects of returning maize straw into field on the Zn forms and their availability in a calcareous soil
CUI Juan , TAN Xiao-hong , LU Xin-chun , REN Si-chao , DAI Er-zhan. Effects of returning maize straw into field on the Zn forms and their availability in a calcareous soil[J]. The journal of applied ecology, 2011, 22(12): 3221-3226
Authors:CUI Juan    TAN Xiao-hong    LU Xin-chun    REN Si-chao    DAI Er-zhan
Affiliation:Key Laboratory of plant Nutrition and the Agri-enivronment in Northwest China, College of Resources and Environment, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, China
Abstract:Maize straws were put into nylon mash bags and buried in a calcareous soil to study the effects of returning maize straw into field on the calcareous soil Zn forms and their availability.Compared with Zn fertilization,returning maize straw into field had little contribution to the soil total Zn content.Both Zn fertilization and straw returning increased the soil DTPA-Zn content significantly,and the increment was larger under Zn fertilization.As compared to that in low Zn concentration straw,the Zn released...
Keywords:maize straw  Zn fertilization  form  bioavailability  calcareous soil.  
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