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Ragweed plants and airborne pollen in the Baltic states
Authors:Maret Saar  Zigmantas Gudžinskas  Tõnu Plompuu  Ene Linno  Zita Minkienė  Vida Motiekaitytė
Affiliation:(1) Institute of Zoology and Botany, EstonianAgricultural University, Tartu, Estonia (author for correspondence, e-mail:;(2) Institute of Botany, Vilnius, Lithuania;(3) Tallinn Pedagogical University, Tallinn, Estonia;(4) Estonian Institute of Meteorology andHydrology, Tallinn, Estonia;(5) National Hospital of "Scaron"iauliai, Lithuania;(6) Vilnius University, Lithuania
Abstract:Presence of pollen in the atmosphere was determined inTartu in 1989–1997, in Kuressaare in 1996–1997 and inScaroniauliai in 1997. Ragweed airpollen was found in latesummer in three years. The distribution, abundance andflowering of local ragweed plants were estimated. Itappeared that the number of local sources did notexceed twenty per country per year. Majority of thesesources consisted of a small number of pollinating A. artemisiifolia individuals. The largest localsources, consisting of several hundreds ofindividuals, were exclusively rare. Transport ofragweed pollen by air masses from distant sources wasstudied. It was found that incursions of ragweedpollen were determined by air fluxes originating fromthe Ukraine as well as from the southeastern andsouthern regions of the European part of Russia. Theseincursions occurred in extensive high-pressure areaswhose centre was located in the central region of theEuropean part of Russia with a periphery extending tothe Baltic countries.
Keywords:back-trajectories  distribution of plants  frequency of plants  long distance transport  pollen season  ragweed
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