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Les assemblages lithiques du site épigravettien de Buzhanka 2 (Ukraine)
Authors:Dmytro Stupak
Affiliation:Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, avenue Heroes of Stalingrad 12, Kyiv 04210, Ukraine
Abstract:In 2003, a new Epigravettian site, Buzhanka 2, was discovered in the Middle Desna region. Typologically, the tool complex of the Upper layer is close to the Mezhyrich type complex. Thus, Buzhanka 2 is the northernmost site with this type of industry. It is the only site, in the Middle Desna basin and also in the whole basin of the Middle Dnieper, where the proportion of quartzite reaches more than 40 %. In the other sites from the whole Middle Dnieper region, this proportion is usually not more than a few percent.
Keywords:É  pigravettien   Ukraine du Nord-Est   Habitations en ossements de mammouth
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