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Avoidance responses to low frequency sound in downstream migrating Atlantic salmon smolt, Salmo salar
Authors:F. R. Knudsen    P. S. Enger   O. Sand
Affiliation:Department of Biology, University of Oslo, PB 1051 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway
Abstract:The possibility of using intense sound as an acoustic barrier for downstream migrating smolt of the Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) was studied by observing, the reactions of smolt to 10 and 150 Hz sounds in a small river. At the observation site the river branched into a main course and a minor channel, the latter rejoining the main stream after 30 m. The sound sources were positioned at the lower end of the channel. The number of smolt re-entering the mam stream at the lower end of the channel was recorded during alternating periods with and without sound. Intense 150 Hz sound had no observable effects on the smolt, even at intensities 114 dB above the hearing threshold at this frequency. At intensities above 1.0. 10−2ms−2 the 10 Hz sound was an effective deterrent for the smolt, which turned and left the channel at the upstream branching point.
Keywords:Salmo salar, smolt    downstream migration    acoustic barrier    infrasound
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