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A Petunia hybrida chloroplast DNA region, close to one of the inverted repeats, shows sequence homology with the Euglena gracilis chloroplast DNA region that carries the putative replication origin
Authors:Jan M. de Haas   Kees J. M. Boot   Michel A. Haring   Ad J. Kool  H. John J. Nijkamp
Affiliation:(1) Department of Genetics, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1087, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract:Summary Three distinct chloroplast (cp) DNA fragments from Petunia hybrida, which promote autonomous replication in yeast, were mapped on the chloroplast genome. Sequence analysis revealed that these fragments (called ARS A, B and C) have a high AT content, numerous short direct and inverted repeats and at least one yeast ARS consensus sequence 5primeA/TTTTATPuTTTA/T, essential for yeast ARS activity. ARS A and B also showed the presence of (semi-)conserved sequences, present in all Chlamydomanas reinhardii cpDNA regions that promote autonomous replication in yeast (ARS sequences) or in C. reinhardii (ARC sequences). A 431 bp BamHI/EcoRI fragment, close to one of the inverted repeats and adjacent to the ARS B subfragment contains an AT-rich stretch of about 100 nucleotides that show extensive homology with an Euglena gracilis cpDNA fragment which is part of the replication origin region. This conserved region contains direct and inverted repeats, stem-and-loop structures can be folded and it contains an ARS consensus sequence. In the near vicinity a GC-rich block is present. All these features make this cpDNA region the best candidate for being the origin of replication of P. hybrida cpDNA.
Keywords:Autonomously replicating sequence  Chloroplast DNA  Replication origin  Petunia hybrida  Luglena gracilis
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