Abstract: | The excretion of attenuated polioviruses was studied in a group of nursery children vaccinated with 105TCD50 of each type of virus. The primovaccinated children were found to excrete type 1 poliovirus for 8 weeks, type 2 for 11 weeks after the vaccination with the type 1 + 2 bivaccine. Poliovirus type 1 as eliminated by 78% and type 2 by 98% of the vaccinees. The separately administered type 3 was detectable for 6 weeks and was isolated from 100% of the vaccinees. The highest per cent of children with type 1 excretion positivity was recorded at week 5, with type 2 positivity at week 1 and with type 3 positivity at week 2. The poliovirus excretion peaked early after the vaccination, the titres of the poliovirus type 2 were the highest. The children revaccinated next year with the type 1 + 2 bivaccine eliminated the respective types of virus 1 - 2 weeks; type 3 poliovirus was detectable for 6 weeks after revaccination and was excreted by the highest per cent of vaccines. The contact infections caused by the attenuated polioviruses developed in 9 from 22 children vaccinated previously. The excretion of polioviruses did not last longer than 1 week. The contact infections were most frequently caused by the poliovirus type 2. The examined children, particularly those vaccinated previously, turned out to excrete also other enteroviruses identified as Coxsakieviruses B 4 and B 5 and Echovirus 21. In the primovaccinated these viruses were isolated only from those with the negative excretion of polioviruses. |