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The binding of colonization factor antigens of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli to intestinal cell membrane proteins
Authors:C. Wennerå  s,J. Holmgren,A.-M. Svennerholm
Affiliation:Department of Medical Microbiology, University of G?teborg, Sweden.
Abstract:We examined the binding of colonization factor antigens (CFAs) of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli to electrophoretically separated membrane components of rabbit intestinal brush borders or human intestinal (and non-intestinal) cell lines using an immunoblotting technique. Both CFA/I and CFA/II bound to distinct membrane components which seemed to be identical in rabbit brush borders and in a human intestinal cell line; these binding structures were mainly missing in membranes from epithelial cell lines of non-intestinal origin. Both shared and specific binding components were identified for CFA/I and the different subcomponents of CFA/II (CS1, CS2 and CS3), respectively. Chloroform-methanol extraction of lipids from the cell membranes did not change the binding pattern for either CFA/I or CFA/II suggesting that the binding occurred to (glyco)proteins rather than to (glyco)lipids.
Keywords:Escherichia coli    Enterotoxin    Colonization factor antigen
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