Development in wheat as affected by timing and length of exposure to long photoperiod |
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Authors: | Slafer, Gustavo A. Rawson, H.M. |
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Abstract: | Seeds of a spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Condor)were vernalized and then grown at 19C in two naturallylitenvironments, one with a moderate (12 h) and the other withlong (18 h) photoperiod. Treatments consisted of transfers ofplants from the moderate to the long photoperiod chamber ondifferent occasions, or for periods of different durations.The main objectives were to determine whether wheat developmentresponds to current and previous photoperiodic environmentsand whether there is a juvenile phase when the plants are insensitiveto photoperiod. Plants under constant 18 h photoperiod had fewerleaves which appeared faster than those under constant 12 hphotoperiod (i.e. phyllochron was increased from 4.4 to 5.1d leaf1). Plants transferred from 12 h to 18 h photoperiodat terminal spikelet appearance (TSA) reached anthesis 4 d earlierthan plants retained at 12 h, while plants under continuouslong photoperiod (18 h) completed this phase most rapidly. Thus,there was some evidence for a historic effect of photoperiodon development. Exposure to long photoperiod during the first 5 d after plantemergence accelerated the rate of development towards anthesis,suggesting that there was no juvenile period of photoperiodicinsensitivity. There were, however, changes during ontogenyin the degree of sensitivity to long photoperiod, increasingfrom seedling emergence to a maximum c. 15 d later, and thendecreasing again. Although all treatments were imposed beforeTSA, the response was not limited to the pre-TSA phase, suggestingthat well before the terminal spikelet appeared, the plant wasalready committed to the initiation of this spikelet. Spikeletnumber decreased with delayed transfer to long photoperiod witha minimum for plants transferred to long days from 16-20 d afterseedling emergence. Additionally, there was a trend for an increasein the rate of leaf appearance (decrease in phyllochron) whenthe plants were exposed to long days between 10 and 35 d afterseedling emergence. Although the differences were small, whenconsidered in conjunction with the effects on final leaf numberthey become important in explaining differences in time to anthesis. Key words: Development, flowering, leaf number, photoperiod, phyllochron, Triticum aestivum |
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