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The rising cost of warming waters: effects of temperature on the cost of swimming in fishes
Authors:Hein Andrew M  Keirsted Katrina J
Affiliation:Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA. amhein@ufl.edu
Abstract:Understanding the effects of water temperature on the swimming performance of fishes is central in understanding how fish species will respond to global climate change. Metabolic cost of transport (COT)-a measure of the energy required to swim a given distance-is a key performance parameter linked to many aspects of fish life history. We develop a quantitative model to predict the effect of water temperature on COT. The model facilitates comparisons among species that differ in body size by incorporating the body mass-dependence of COT. Data from 22 fish species support the temperature and mass dependencies of COT predicted by our model, and demonstrate that modest differences in water temperature can result in substantial differences in the energetic cost of swimming.
Keywords:cost of transport   metabolism   climate change   biomechanics   ecomechanics
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