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Scenario Modelling in Prospective LCA of Transport Systems. Application of Formative Scenario Analysis (11 pp)
Authors:Michael?SpielmannEmail author  Roland?ScholzEmail author  Olaf?Tietje  Peter de?Haan
Affiliation:(1) Michael Spielmann Institut fuer Mensch-Umwelt-Systeme Haldenbachstr. 44 ETH-Zentrum, HAD F 4 8092 Zürich SCHWEIZ,;(2) Prof. Dr. Roland W. Scholz Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich Department of Environmental Sciences Natural and Social Science Interface (UNS) ETH Zentrum HAD Haldenbachstrasse 44 8092 Zürich SCHWEIZ,;(3) Olaf Tietje Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Department of Environmental Sciences Natural and Social Science Interface (UNS) ETH Zentrum HAD Haldenbachstrasse 44 CH-8092 Zürich Switzerland,;(4) Peter de Haan Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Department of Environmental Sciences Natural and Social Science Interface (UNS) ETH Zentrum HAD Haldenbachstrasse 44 CH-8092 Zürich Switzerland,
Abstract:Background Tools and methods able to cope with uncertainties are essential for improving the credibility of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a decision support tool. Previous approaches have focussed predominately upon data quality. Objective and Scope. An epistemological approach is presented conceptualising uncertainties in a comparative, prospective, attributional LCA. This is achieved by considering a set of cornerstone scenarios representing future developments of an entire Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) product system. We illustrate the method using a comparison of future transport systems. Method Scenario modelling is organized by means of Formative Scenario Analysis (FSA), which provides a set of possible and consistent scenarios of those unit processes of an LCI product system which are time dependent and of environmental importance. Scenarios are combinations of levels of socio-economic or technological impact variables. Two core elements of FSA are applied in LCI scenario modelling. So-called impact matrix analysis is applied to determine the relationship between unit process specific socio-economic variables and technology variables. Consistency Analysis is employed to integrate unit process scenarios, based on pair-wise ratings of the consistency of the levels of socio-economic impact variables of all unit processes. Two software applications are employed which are available from the authors. Results and Discussion The study reveals that each possible level or development of a technology variable is best conceived of as the impact of a specific socio-economic (sub-) scenario. This allows for linking possible future technology options within the socio-economic context of the future development of various background processes. In an illustrative case study, the climate change scores and nitrogen dioxide scores per seat kilometre for six technology options of regional rail transport are compared. Similar scores are calculated for a future bus alternative and an average Swiss car. The scenarios are deliberately chosen to maximise diversity. That is, they represent the entire range of future possible developments. Reference data and the unit process structure are taken from the Swiss LCA database 'ecoinvent 2000'. The results reveal that rail transport remains the best option for future regional transport in Switzerland. In all four assessed scenarios, four technology options of future rail transport perform considerably better than regional bus transport and car transport. Conclusions and Recommendations. The case study demonstrates the general feasibility of the developed approach for attributional prospective LCA. It allows for a focussed and in-depth analysis of the future development of each single unit process, while still accounting for the requirements of the final scenario integration. Due to its high transparency, the procedure supports the validation of LCI results. Furthermore, it is well-suited for incorporation into participatory methods so as to increase their credibility. Outlook and Future Work. Thus far, the proposed approach is only applied on a vehicle level not taking into account alterations in demand and use of different transport modes. Future projects will enhance the approach by tackling uncertainties in technology assessment of future transport systems. For instance, environmental interventions involving future maglev technology will be assessed so as to account for induced traffic generated by the introduction of a new transport system.
Keywords:scenario modelling  regional transport  rail transport  life cycle modelling  life cycle inventory analysis (LCI)  formative scenario analysis (FSA)  cornerstone scenarios  transport  uncertainty assessment  uncertainty management
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