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引用本文:杜丽侠,邢韶华. 北京八达岭地区灌木群落空间分布格局与土壤环境因子的关系分析[J]. 西北植物学报, 2009, 29(3)
作者姓名:杜丽侠  邢韶华
摘    要:于2007年8月,在北京八达岭地区野外实地踏查的基础上,按海拔梯度每升高100 m布设10个典型灌木样地,共40个样地,分别进行灌木群落调查.采用TWINSPAN方法、依据各样地灌木各物种的重要值对研究区灌木群落进行分类,采用DCCA方法对分类结果进行验证,并选取代表地形因素和土壤因素在内的环境因子共16个指标进行相关分析.结果显示:(1)北京八达岭地区灌木群落共划分为10个类型.(2)北京八达岭地区灌木群落与各环境因子之间有较好的独立性,土壤环境因素对灌木空间分布格局影响较大(特征值为0.90);土壤环境因素中,灌木群落格局与土壤容重因子具有极显著的相关性(P<0.01).(3)土壤环境因子对灌木群落格局变异的解释能力达到36%;而单纯由地形环境因子的解释能力只有9%,二者交互解释能力为3%,说明土壤环境因素是影响北京八达岭地区灌木群落格局的主导因素. 研究结果表明,北京八达岭地区灌木群落分布格局与土壤容重和海拔因子间存在极显著相关性.

关 键 词:北京八达岭  灌木群落  空间分布格局  环境因子

Relationship between Spatial Distribution Pattern of Shrub Community and Environmental Factors in Badaling of Beijing
DU Li-xi,XING Shao-hua. Relationship between Spatial Distribution Pattern of Shrub Community and Environmental Factors in Badaling of Beijing[J]. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2009, 29(3)
Authors:DU Li-xi  XING Shao-hua
Affiliation:College of Nature Conservation;Beijing Forestry University;Beijing 100083;China
Abstract:Based on the investigation of 40 sample plots of shrub community in August 2007,Badaling of Beijing and selecting 16 environmental factors,the shrub community could be divided into 10 types with the TWINSPAN(Two Way Indicator Species Analysis) method which was confirmed by DCCA(Detrended canonical correspondence analysis).The relationship between spatial distribution pattern of shrub community and environmental factors were preliminary analysis by DCCA.The results showed that the environmental factors which...
Keywords:Badaling of Beijing  shrub community  spatial distribution pattern  environmental factors  
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